Today’s Reading: Isaiah 52:1-6

For this is what the LORD says: “You were sold for nothing, and without money you will be redeemed.”


Isaiah 52:3


The LORD promises that He will establish the glory of His Name to His people through the Salvation He gives them. Now, the people of Israel sit in ashes of mourning, clothed in rags as prisoners and adorned in chains as captives. But the LORD instructs them to ready themselves not only for freedom, but to be claimed as royalty. Their old clothes will be replaced with garments of splendor. They will shake off their dust and and rise. They will be freed from their chains. Just as was done for them when they were slaves of Egypt, God’s people will once be redeemed, but this time in a much greater and more complete way. By God’s great eternal Redemption of His people He will reveal to them His greatness. He will show them Who He is.

This great and wondrous act is achieved without money, at a far greater cost than that which money could resolve. God will sacrifice His only begotten Son in order to free the captives who have given themselves away for free. The garments of splendor, the strength by which Israel can clothe themselves, is all provided without a cost to them because it is provided at a cost to the God Who loves them. Just the same, all this is offered to us too as a free gift which cost the Savior’s life. What Glory the Lord Jesus gained through His Work on the Cross!


Lord, I exalt You because You have saved me. You are the One Who died in my place, Who through Your Son paid the price for my sin which I could never pay. You paid the ultimate cost for my sake and revealed Your glorious Splendor at the empty tomb. Hallelujah, I give You praise. Thank You for loving me this fully and redeeming me this completely. help me to live for You. I love you Lord, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.


Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Philippians 4; Ezekiel 24; Isaiah 52