Today’s Reading: Psalm 103

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His faithful love toward those who fear Him.


Psalm 103:11


God’s faithful Love is limitless. There is no end to it. The psalmist attempts to quantify it, proclaiming that God’s Love is as great as the heavens are above the earth. It is great enough to cover soaring mountains and lofty skies. The width of God’s Love is throughout time. From eternity to eternity, His faithful Love has always been, is, and forever will be. The depth of God’s Love for His people is too deep to fathom. His Love saves, forgives, heals, redeems, satisfies, renews, and restores completely. No one is ever too far away from God that they cannot be reached by His Love.

This great Love is what prompts the psalmist to give praise to the LORD. His praise is more than gratitude uttered by his lips, or gestures that are shown through his actions. The praise that the psalmist gives comes from the depths of his soul, for his soul is what has been preserved by the Lord’s faithful Love. While humanity blooms and withers on earth like the flowers of the field, though well cared for and nurtured by God, it is the person’s soul that is preserved forever to be with the loving Lord of Ages. There is nothing that we can do to earn God’s Love, for He has given it freely to us while we were yet sinners. But we can give God our utmost praise for this great Love shown to us, by which we experience fullness of life with Him now and through eternity.


Almighty God, there is nothing like Your faithful Love. By it, You have revealed Yourself to Your people. Because of it, You freely gave Your Son Jesus Christ. I give You the highest praise because of all the ways that You have shown Your great Love for me. I Love You, Lord. Please help me to love You more fully. Grow me in Your Love, that I would honor You in all that I do. I pray these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.


Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Revelation 8; Nehemiah 11; Psalm 103