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Our Advent Bible Study Series discusses prophecy of Jesus found in the Old Testament. We will study from the following passages in celebration of the Christmas Season:

Promise of the Seed to Adam – Genesis 3:15

Promise of the Seed to Abraham – Genesis 22:15-18

Promise of the Seed to Judah – Genesis 49:8-12

Promise of the Seed to David – 2 Samuel 7:8-16

Promise of the Son to the Nations – Psalm 2:1-12

Promise of the Virgin Birth – Isaiah 7:14

Promise of the Coming King – Isaiah 9:2-7

Promise of the Coming Ruler – Micah 5:2

Learn and grow in God’s Word with us! Studies conclude in song and prayer time.

Contact Info

7300 W. Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, 90045

Phone: 310.670.2242

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