Faithful Love
Today’s Reading: Psalm 85 Show us Your faithful love, Lord, and give us Your salvation. Psalm 85:7 [...]
God’s Dwelling Place
Today’s Reading: Psalm 84 Better a day in Your courts than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather be [...]
We Need God’s Righteousness
Today’s Reading: Psalm 82 Rise up, God, judge the earth, for all the nations belong to You. Psalm [...]
The Sound of Praise
Today’s Reading: Psalm 81 Sing for joy to God our strength; shout in triumph to the God of Jacob. [...]
The Great Works of God
Today’s Reading: Psalm 80 Listen, Shepherd of Israel, who guides Joseph like a flock; You who sit enthroned [on] [...]
Faithful and Compassionate
Today’s Reading: Psalm 78:56-72 He chose David His servant and took him from the sheepfolds; He brought him from [...]
God’s Kindness
Today’s Reading: Psalm 78:38-55 Yet He was compassionate; He atoned for [their] guilt and did not destroy [them]. He often turned His [...]
Generation to Generation
Today’s Reading: Psalm 78:1-20 that a future generation- children yet to be born-might know. They were to rise [...]
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