To every earnest request for His salvation, the LORD has already responded with faithful love. The sinner far away from God is saved when they turn to Him and believe. Recall the time when the Messiah was born into the world. It was a time full of darkness, when people had strayed far away from the LORD. It was after they had abandoned Him and forgotten His Covenant. Jesus came when the earth was broken and wearied from sin. The Light of the world came like the dawn, illumining black night with the piercing brightness of grace and truth. To the peoples’ questioning, “Will You be angry with us forever? Will You prolong Your anger for all generations?” the LORD replied, “No.” In this was shown the fullness of God’s mercy.
The LORD’s righteous anger burns against His people, and rightly so, but only for a moment. It is quickly replaced with His eternal love. His fury does not last forever. If this were so, we would all be utterly lost. But instead, the LORD looked upon a sinful people and chose to be faithful to them by sending His Son Jesus to save. In Him would true peace be found, since the war of their sins against God would be quelled. In Him would true righteousness be found, His perfect righteousness, and they would be covered in it. By Jesus, His people would be pursued by goodness and mercy all the days of their life, and they would be made fit to dwell with Him forever.
What favor the LORD has granted upon His people by Jesus! What restoration He has established by His Son! While we ask for things with an earthly perspective, He answers with lasting, heavenly grace. May You be blessed today with the reminder of His perfect salvation by Christ our Savior.
LORD God, You have shown me mercy by Your Son Jesus Christ. While I was dead in my sin, You restored me. When I was lost, You brought me back into Your fold. Even while I was far from You, You sought me and found me. I praise You LORD, for not leaving or forsaking me, but for granting me Your grace. Thank You for the gift of Your eternal salvation. Thank You for by Your faithfulness granting me life everlasting with You. I pray, LORD, that You help me to be mindful of this precious treasure always. May I recall each day how wonderful You’ve been to bless me so richly by the sacrifice of Your Son. Help me to live in thanks to You for Your love. I pray this all in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, John 18:19-38; 2 Chronicles 27-28; Psalm 84
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