Leader of Israel
Today’s Reading: Judges 1:1-5 The Lord answered, "Judah is to go. I have handed the land over to him." [...]
nsolomona2022-01-19T21:19:35-08:00January 20th, 2022|
Today’s Reading: Judges 1:1-5 The Lord answered, "Judah is to go. I have handed the land over to him." [...]
nsolomona2022-01-09T21:09:50-08:00January 10th, 2022|
Today’s Reading: Joshua 3:7-17 And the water flowing downstream stood still, rising up [in] a mass that extended as [...]
nsolomona2022-01-06T22:46:33-08:00January 7th, 2022|
Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 31:1-8 "The Lord is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; [...]
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