Today’s Reading: Psalm 63
My lips will glorify You because Your faithful love is better than life.
Psalm 63:3
The faithful love of the LORD is abundant, and He makes this clear to us as His people. All that He provides from His storehouse far exceeds what we need. When we go to Him for help, we are utterly satisfied as with rich food. When we seek Him, we find that as our portion, He is more than enough. His help is so thorough, so comforting that He causes us to rejoice in Him. His strength and glory is so splendid that it brings forth His people’s praise. Our LORD has given His absolute best on our behalf, and we overflow with goodness by His almighty Hand.
Even in the wilderness, the LORD causes His people to flourish. In a land that is dry and desolate, a world refusing the Living Water of life, God still provides for those who seek Him. Our thirst is met and, like trees by the riverside, we thrive by the sustaining love and grace of God. This is why King David eagerly seeks the LORD. He is in great need of Him, as are we. There is no other place for nourishment, no other source of life-giving help. Our eternity, our preservation has been established only by the King of kings on the Cross at Calvary. Because He has given us life, we need only depend on and trust in Him for it.
Where do you seek satisfaction? These things can sometimes be perceived as what sustains us as people. Is it in temporary things like material possessions, intellect, or accolades? These cannot satiate our thirst. All the world will one day decay. But God and His faithful love is everlasting.
LORD Almighty, what a blessing it is to have You as my Portion! What a joy it is to know Your sustaining grace and faithful love. Thank You for all that You have so generously given to me, especially by the Work of Your Son Jesus Christ. My heart sings praise to You for Your loving Sacrifice and undeserved Salvation for me. Thank You LORD. My cup overflows because You are good to fill it exceedingly. I pray that as You grow me in faith, You would grant me the opportunity to share with others all that You have done for me. Help me to glorify You with all that You have given. I pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Romans 9:1-29; 1 Samuel 17:55-18:30; Psalm 63
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