Friday May 22, 2020

Today’s Reading: Genesis 39:1-5

The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man, serving in the household of his Egyptian master.

Genesis 39:2

Meditation: The LORD is with us. There is nowhere on earth that we can hide from Him. There is nowhere that He has not been already. Joseph – who endures being sold into slavery by his brothers, living as a servant far away from home, and being wrongly put in prison – experiences God’s nearness to Him in the midst of his trials. While he is not removed from hardship surrounding him, he is blessed by God in the midst of his suffering. God is there with Joseph.

Our God is not removed from the suffering of His people. Instead, He goes with us, diligently provides for us, and grows us in our trials. In Joesph’s story, God does not remove Joesph from experiencing hardship. Rather, He blesses Joseph in the midst of it, growing him in success and developing his character so that onlookers are able to acknowledge and recognize how near God is to him.

When we are stuck in situations out of our control, we are not helpless. Instead, we have respite in knowing that God can never be contained. There is no place or circumstance in which God is not able to reach in and bless us. There is no length at which He would stop walking with us through our circumstances. God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. In the places where you feel stayed or stuck, plant your feet firmly in faith in God. Like Joseph, we too can blossom, even under the harshest circumstances, because of the LORD’s tender care.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your constant care. Thank You for being able to use all parts of my life for Your good work. Please take all that I have experienced, both the good and the bad, that every ounce of my life would refine me and testify to others just how amazing You are. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Luke 22:1-38; Genesis 39; Psalm 30