Thursday August 12, 2021

Today’s Reading: Psalm 104:24-35

When You send Your breath, they are created, and You renew the face of the earth.

Psalm 104:30

Reflection: The LORD’s might is such that He needed but to speak all of Creation into existence. ‘Let there be light,’ said the LORD in the beginning, and there it came to be just as He had commanded. By holy instruction of God’s Voice, time began. The earth and the waters separated, both of which brought forth living creatures small and great. The heavenly bodies shone their light as brand new stars and moons. All was spoken into existence. It was all created very good.

By the LORD’s breath, man was brought to life. Before filling themselves with the fresh air of an infant earth, his new lungs were first filled. Before even beholding His Maker, the first man held within Him the LORD’s own Breath. The LORD would not only create, but would bring all living creatures to live and move, and yes, to breathe, by His Breath.

Just as He has done from the Beginning, the LORD continues to renew and sustain by His Holy Breath. The very Spirit of God resumes what has been started long ago. He fills His Creation to give Him glory, and likewise, He does this for His people. If we begin just by counting each of what God sustains, we would be counting forever. If we continued with every moment of our own lives, we would never cease. O praise God for continued work by His Spirit, His own sacred Breath, which moves and works within each of us.

Prayer: Sovereign LORD, thank You for Your Holy Spirit, which does wondrous Work each day. Thank You for all that He has done from the beginning to bring forth Your glory and splendor in Creation. Thank You for all that He is doing to transform me into Your Likeness. I have great comfort in knowing that since You are able to work Your wonders throughout the universe, You are also able to work on me. Thank You, LORD. Please sanctify me daily, my God, by Your precious Holy Spirit. Move within me to do what You desire, and shape my heart into one that seeks to carry out Your faithful love. I lift up these prayers to You in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Revelation 10; Nehemiah 13; Psalm 104:24-35