Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 26
Test me, Lord, and try me; examine my heart and mind.
Psalm 26:2
Reflection: Even when we are criticized or misunderstood by people, we are seen completely and fully by God. David, feeling wrongly accused by his enemies, appeals to God the Righteous Judge knowing that God sees his innocence. David does not entertain evildoing, for his desire is to live in a way which keeps him close to the LORD. While his reputation with people is wavering due to false accusations about him, David’s concern is not what other people think, but how the LORD regards him.
Because David has done his best to live in a way that pleases God, he is able to find comfort in God’s presence. Nothing hinders David from baring his whole heart and mind to God. He has nothing to hide from his LORD and loves staying near to Him in His Holy House.
Those who pursue righteous living can always find comfort in the God Who sees all and judges with righteousness. Living a life of integrity is living a life of thanksgiving and praise to God, Who does wonderful works and springs forth life by His Truth. When we seek company with sin, we separate ourselves from a God Who longs for us to be near. But by living as redeemed reflectors of God’s faithful love, we are able to find rest and refuge in His presence.
Prayer: Omniscient God, You see and know all things. Thank You for being the Righteous Judge and Great Redeemer. Thank You for making me right in Your sight by Your saving grace. I long to stay close to You, LORD. Remove all that keeps me from drawing near to You. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Biblestudytools.com): Luke 19:28-48; Genesis 34; Psalm 26
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