Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Today’s Reading: Luke 24:1-12
They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
Luke 24:2-3
Reflection: Jesus invites us to discover the joyful truth about His Resurrection. A close look at the Gospel teaches us that the Resurrected Jesus in the flesh was able to pass through physical barriers in order to meet with the disciples in an encolsed room. But if Jesus didn’t need to move the stone in order to leave the tomb, why did the women find the stone rolled away at His grave site? Perhaps the tomb was left opened not so that Jesus could come out, but instead so that others could see in.
Jesus leaves evidence of His Resurrection for His people to find. He leaves behind a stone that was rolled away, His burial linens, and two men with reminders of His teaching. Jesus’ followers need only look for Him to discover that He is not there. When the the women tell all of the disciples what they had seen, Peter, getting up and running to the tomb, is the one who is left amazed with wonder at Jesus’ absence.
There is blessing in seeking after the Resurrected Christ, Who leaves us with proofs of His Gospel Truth. Just as He was gracious to the women and the disciples, He is gracious to us now, teaching us and proving over and over His faithfulness every time we look for Him. Seeking after Jesus every day results in new discoveries about His Gospel and new opportunities to grow in faith. How awesome is Jesus, Who is mindful to catch our attention and draw us into the joy of knowing Him!
Prayer: Jesus, it is only by Your grace that I grow in knowledge of You. Thank You for helping me to find You when I seek You. As I search for You in Your Scriptures, please grant me understanding of Your Truth and Your Story. Help me to know You more, Lord. It is in Your Name that I pray, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Biblestudytools.com): Luke 24:1-12; Genesis 43; Psalm 34
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