Today’s Reading: Psalm 49

Yet these cannot redeem a person or pay his ransom to God- since the price of redeeming him is too costly, one should forever stop trying- so that he may live forever and not see the Pit.


Psalm 49:7-9


It is better to trust and rely on the abundant riches of the LORD than on what we think we can earn during our time on earth. All that we think we want on earth will one day decay. All we think we accumulate for ourselves would never be enough to buy what we really need. The psalmist speaks about this thing, our ransom, which was put at a price we could not pay ourselves. In boasting of material wealth, in resting in luxury and relying on what has been stored away for ourselves, we exchange our trust in God for trust in ourselves. This trust is futile. It destines us for death. But the LORD’s Salvation is reliable, and is available to us because it has been paid for by His Son.

We do well to remember that the price God paid for our ransom was not free, but was purchased by Jesus Christ at the Cross. We have the choice of either trusting in the works of our hands, the wealth we have now, or the richness of grace in our Savior. No amount of earthly wealth could suffice for what the LORD has done, what we desperately needed in order to live for eternity in LORD’s Presence. If our salvation were up to us, we would be as doomed to decay as the material blessings which surround us. Praise God that it is not this way for us. Praise Him that we do not have to rely on the works of our hands, the resources we can store away, but can be assured of what God has in store for us by His amazing grace.


Gracious LORD, You are so good. For You paid the price for my sin. You took upon yourself the death that I deserved, and Worked my Salvation that I could never have earned myself. Thank You for all that You provide, that I do not have to trust in the works of my hands, but can instead rely on You for a lifetime of eternity. Thank You that I can look forward to spending my life with You because of Your amazing grace. Please, LORD, help me to trust more in what You have done instead on what I can do. I lift these things up to You in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ my Savior, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Acts 26:19-32; 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10; Psalm 49