Today’s Reading: Isaiah 51:4-8

But My righteousness will last forever, and My salvation for all generations.


Isaiah 51:8b


The Righteousness and Salvation of God are indestructible. They can never be shattered. While the heavens one day will vanish like smoke, the righteous Character of God will not change. While the earth will one day wear out like a garment, the Work of God through His Salvation will remain permanent. As a people who are dependent upon God’s perfect Character and perfect Work, this is indeed good news for us. All that God is and does is not contingent upon our makeup or actions at all, only upon all that is of Him.

What we remember about God affects how we live for Him. People and entities can be very intimidating, and put pressure on us to appease them. But when we remember the Permanence and Power of God displayed through His Righteousness and Salvation, the fleeting approval of others fades away. The fear of mere mortals turns to dust as will each person on the earth. Nothing is worth our attention more than that which is eternal. No one is worth our ear more than He Whose instruction is good and perfect. We can look to no other source of strength, no other source of hope than the Almighty God Who reigns forever and ever. O people of the Lord, listen intently to His instruction, by which He displays His Righteousness. Hear His Word which tells the Truth of His Salvation. These things will never be destroyed.


Good and Perfect God, what a comfort it is to know that You are unchanging. What a blessing it is to be reminded of Your finished Work on the Cross, which cannot be destroyed. Thank You for all that You have revealed to me in Your Word about Who You are and what You have done. Thank You Lord for Your Righteousness and Salvation. I pray that You would lead me in Your ways. Please help me to pay attention to Your instruction and live boldly for You. I pray all of these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.


Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Philippians 3; Ezekiel 23; Isaiah 51