Friday May 28, 2021

Today’s Reading: Psalm 34

Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

Psalm 34:11

Reflection: What does King David mean when he says he will teach the fear of the LORD? He does not mean that we will increasingly panic in His Presence, or dread His nearness. The fear of the LORD is reverence for Him. King David will show and tell what it is to bring honor to God. While fear of the LORD can be witnessed in honest speech and good works, the LORD knows that not all good deeds are done with the intention to honor Him. Fear of the LORD is not simply acting in ways which might please God, but acting in order to please God. It is evidenced respect and gratitude that results from an understanding of Who the LORD is.

The more we learn and understand about God, the more we are prompted to fear Him in what we do. In recalling the LORD Whose eyes are on the righteous, in observing that He hears and delivers them, we are encouraged to also value righteousness. In recalling His nearness, in remembering His Salvation, we are comforted and assured of His great abounding faithfulness. In recalling the LORD’s protection over His people, we are emboldened to go about His work confidently without any fear of our enemies. Fear of the LORD begins with knowing the LORD. Because the king has experienced firsthand God’s goodness, known His rescue and protection, and remembered His provision and care, he is able to praise the LORD at all times. King David is able to boast in the LORD and exalt Him because of what He has learned about God.

Do you struggle in doing the things that give God glory? Do you have trouble speaking in ways which show Your reverence for Him? Begin by filling Your mind with the thoughts about the LORD at all times, that in study of His Word and prayer, you would gain an ever-growing desire to fear Him.

Prayer: Almighty God, I am reminded today of all Your mighty works. I am reminded of Your love and mercy upon me. I am reminded of Your amazing grace. I am assured of Your safety and protection. I am comforted and encourage by the knowledge of Your Salvation. Thank you for all You have done for me. Thank You for Your steadfast faithfulness, LORD. All praise and glory be to You. Please teach me how to show others my fear of and reverence for You. Please help me to grow in obedience to Your ways and statues. I pray these things in the Name of Jesus Your Son, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Luke 24:1-12; Genesis 43; Psalm 34