Monday August 16, 2021

Today’s Reading: Psalm 106:24-48

They served their idols, which became a snare to them.

Psalm 106:36

Reflection: The world is a beautiful place, which was created by our LORD. But it is not as beautiful as even the gates of God’s Kingdom in Heaven. Living consumed with the things of earth leads us to be lulled to complete contentment in what we have now, rather than looking forward to all of God which is now unseen to us. Israel’s example reminds us of how we as His followers can be: we can despise those rich blessings which have been given; we can drown out the LORD’s Holy Voice with our own grumbling; we can allow ourselves to be ensnared by false idols of our own making and defile ourselves by our deeds. As Israel refused to live surrendered to the Will of the LORD, God allowed the people to instead allow themselves to be subdued under the power of their enemies which they sought to be like. This was never what God had in mind for His people, and so, He offered His Salvation from it because of His great and abounding love.

How, then, should we respond to the God Who first loved us, and still loves us? Concern for all worldly things which pass away adheres us to the snare of the temporal. By it we are kept from the freedom of eternity with our LORD. This is not how the LORD desires for us to be. What things keep us from desiring our LORD and hoping in Heaven? What tempts us from spending more time with Him, from depending on Him more completely, from seeking Him constantly?

To the psalmist’s cry for help, the LORD has already responded with a Work of grace which saves completely. Let us turn away from all that makes us reluctant to depend on our LORD, and instead cling to Him Who has granted us His love so generously.

Prayer: Eternal God, You are the great Blessor. You are the Lover of my soul. You are my Savior and King, deserving of all worship from now until eternity. I give You praise for Your love, and for all the ways that the earth reveals Your glory. I also give You praise, LORD, for the hope of my secure home with You. When all things pass away one day, You, my God, will remain the same. You have allowed me to be safe in the joy of Your Presence. Thank You LORD. Please keep me from the temptation of seeking after temporal things. Guard my heart from straying from Your care. Help me to be eternally minded in all that I do, for the sake of Your glory. I pray all of these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Revelation 14; Esther 5:1-6:13; Psalm 106:24-48