Today’s Reading: Numbers 32:1-5
They said, “If we have found favor in your sight, let this land be given to your servants as a possession. Don’t make us cross the Jordan.”
Numbers 32:1-5
In order to reach the Promised Land God has in store for us, we need to follow God to it. After journeying with God for 40 years through the wilderness, the twelve tribes of Israel finally reach the threshold of the Promised Land. All they have left to do is to cross the Jordan River and settle in the land that God has given them. How tragic is it, then, that at this point in the journey, two and half of the Israelite tribes ask Moses to settle in the land just outside of the place God has prepared for them!
The tribes of Gad, Reuben, and half of Manasseh look around at what they see just on the Eastern side of the Jordan and deem it a good enough land for their families and their flocks. It is not teeming with the harvest that is on the other side of Jordan, nor is it flowing with milk and honey. But it is much easier to settle there than to take the last leg of their journey. While they agree to help the rest of Israel take over the Promised Land of Canaan, they return back across the Jordan to settle at the threshold of God’s Promise for them. Their portion of land is then distributed among the rest of the tribes that have followed God to the end of their journey.
God in His Sovereignty desires to lead us to where He has prepared us. This includes places of blessing and purpose in our lives. More importantly, our ultimate destination, a place in eternity with Him, has been promised to us through His Son Jesus Christ. Do we have the faith to follow Him to that destination? Do we trust Him to prefer what He knows is truly good over what we think might be good enough? Reader, God has divine purpose in store for you, eternal blessings that await you in your journey with Him. But you must resolve to follow where God is leading in order to see and experience what He has planned for your life. If you are struggling to follow His leading today, be assured that the Promised Land is worth the journey, and that God’s presence will provide all you need to travel with Him.
Almighty God, You are gracious to prepare a place in Heaven for me to dwell with You. You are so generous in blessing me along my journey with You. I pray that the reminder of Your Sovereignty keeps me strengthened to continue in my walk of faith, so that I might follow You to the purpose that You have in store for me. Help me, LORD, to trust in Your direction completely. In the Precious Name of Your Son Jesus Christ I pray, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit:
Matthew 25; 31-46; Numbers 32-34; Job 2
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