Today’s Reading: Psalm 35
Then I will rejoice in the Lord; I will delight in His deliverance.
Psalm 35:9
In times of deep distress or struggle, when enemies loom around every corner seeking our destruction, by God’s rescue we are reminded that He is our true deliverance. For it is in our weakness that we have the chance to recall His incomparable strength. It is in times of danger that we are called to trust in His safety. People of the world may rely on the things of this world – its strength, its wisdom, its resources – but the people of God know this truth: that it is the LORD Who provides all things that are truly good; it is the LORD Who works all things according to His perfect purpose; it is the LORD alone Who protects and rescues His people. Our true danger is not found in the midst of our enemies, but in the mindset that we are all we need. Only when we trust in the LORD’s deliverance can we be assured of true safety.
Even in difficult situations, in circumstances of peril, there is blessing from the LORD Who prompts us to rely on His saving power. In uncertain times, God’s children will always find certainty of God’s love and Salvation. The psalmist knows well to credit the LORD for His rescue. We do well also to be reminded that God is indeed our deliverance. In the boundaries of His nearness, we remain unscathed. He fights for us as we follow Him. He defends us as we give Him praise.
Loving God, my Strength and my Defender, my Rock and my Salvation, all glory belongs to You. You deserve all praise for all that You continue to do throughout all creation. You are worthy to be worshipped and adored at all times. Thank You for being near to me, for never leaving nor forsaking me, but for always being faithful. Thank You for Your perfect Will, which is far beyond my understanding, but truly good and perfect. As I receive blessing upon blessing from You, please help me to remember at all times that You are the One Who provides, and that You are the One Who saves, that I would live out of the reminder of Your saving truth. I pray all of these things in the Name of Jesus Christ Your Son, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Luke 24:13-53; Genesis 44; Psalm 35
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