Today’s Reading: Psalm 63
You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
Psalm 63:1
God is the one and only source of life. He is the One Who provides all that we need to not only survive, but thrive. King David likens his desperate need for God to thirsting for water in a parched land. Nowhere around him can he find what he needs to go on. His only hope of being spiritually quenched is found in God’s Presence. David knows that God will provide what he truly needs because he has already experienced the overwhelming overflow of His providence. David has beheld the power and glory of God which has caused him to lift up his hands in praise. David knows that God’s love is more than enough to sustain him, that it is what will fully satisfy his every need.
God’s Presence does more than sustain us, it fills us to the brim and overflows from us. Enveloped in His love and grace, we are “fully satisfied as with the richest of foods.” But unlike with physical food, our satiation is not temporary. Instead, by God we are eternally filled to the point where we rejoice in an overflow of praise to Him. As long as we are near to God’s presence, we remain full. Moreover, with God we are not left alone after we are filled. We are kept near to Him at all times; we go on singing in the refuge of His shadow, preserved in safety against all who may come against us.
Sometimes in our journey of faith, we can feel empty and alone. It can seem as though we are scouring through a barren desert, depleted and wearied, in need of a life source. During these times, we must draw near to God Who can restore us. We will always find rest and protection with Him. Trying to navigate through the barrenness of the world without God guarantees our death. But seeking true sustenance in God guarantees our life.
Lord God, in You I have all I’ll ever need. Thank You for what You provide from Your gracious Hand. Thank You for sustaining me not only physically, but spiritually. I am filled to the brim with Your eternal love. In my times of emptiness Lord, please draw me nearer to You. Let the things of the world grow dim to me as I am filled and transformed by Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Precious Name I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Romans 9:1-29; 1 Samuel 17:55-18:30; Psalm 63
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