Wednesday January 13, 2021
Today’s Reading: 1 John 1:1-4
What we have seen and heard we also declare to you, so that you may have fellowship along with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.
1 John 1:3
Reflection: Through Jesus God made Himself accessible to us. In his letter, the Apostle John writes about the marvel of the Eternal God, Who was present at the very Beginning of time, taking on human form as Jesus. In order be near to us, the limitless God confined Himself to time and space, and limited Himself to the confines of humanity. By this, He walked with us, ate with us, taught us, embraced us, and cared for us. This is how important fellowship with us was to God. This desire of God to have a relationship with His people continues through John’s writing, which he says is for the purpose of beginning a fellowship with Jesus and His Church.
The relationship that we share with God has begun with God. He took the initiative to be near. And now, we have the opportunity of remaining close to Him. Salvation is a wonderful gift that we receive from our Lord through Jesus, and accepting His Work on the Cross for us seals our eternity with Him in Heaven. But another blessing still is the relationship we are privileged to experience now with our Lord because of the work He has done. God Who has gone to prepare a place for us is also near to us now! Today, take comfort that Your Lord is with You, and is pleased to share in fellowship with you. God went to great lengths to be become accessible to you, His beloved. Rejoice in nearness to Him!
Prayer: Almighty God, I thank You for the reminder of how much You love me. I praise You that I can be assured of Your unwavering Love because of Who You are. You, the Eternal God, have truly done marvelous things throughout eternity. Who am I, that You would want to draw near to me? Please show me, Lord, how to draw near to You. As I seek You, please help me to find You and be fulfilled through close fellowship with You. I pray all of these things in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: 1 John 1; 2 Chronicles 34; Psalm 89:19-37
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