Today’s Reading: Psalm 71

I have leaned on You from birth; You took me from my mother’s womb. My praise is always about You.


Psalm 71:6


Before we are born, the LORD God cares for us. In the quiet of our mother’s womb, He knits us together in His likeness and causes us to grow. From when we take our first breaths He is with us monitoring every heartbeat, managing and sustaining us for every second, orchestrating the unseen miracles which keep us alive and well. And then, there is a time when He reveals Himself to us, through His glory around us, and by His Truth which can be heard and understood. As we begin the know the LORD and continue to seek Him, a relationship, which began with His grace, grows and flourishes.

Though we are born on earth, we are not destined to dwell here forever. As we grow in the LORD’s likeness, our separation from the world becomes more and more distinct. While life in the world brings trial, God is the One Who rescues us and preserves us from its danger. While the world around us is in constant change, the LORD remains ever-faithful and true. He is the Refuge to which we can always go, the Father Who always listens, the Savior Who has acted out of His amazing grace. As we continually hope in Him and praise Him, God gives us even more reason to proclaim His glory throughout the ends of the earth.

The beauty of life with God is that it lasts for eternity. It never ends and never sours. But as we trust in and serve Him more, each day with Him becomes sweeter. By the end of our days, God’s faithfulness is seen by all who know us and shared with the following generations. And after death, we are born again into a never-ending lifetime with our glorious LORD. What a life it is to know Him, what a gift to share our days with the eternal God.


Heavenly Father, You are the Rock of Ages, the Ancient of Days. You have created all things and have done Your wonderful work throughout generations. I praise You, for You have shown Yourself to me and have assured me of Your salvation and everlasting love. You are so faithful, LORD. You have done so much for me. Thank You. Please, LORD, I pray that You grow me closer to You each day. I ask that You open my eyes to see even more of You now than ever before, that I would be able to continue praising You and sharing the Good News of Your Salvation with others. I pray all these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Romans 15:14-33; 1 Samuel 29-31; Psalm 71