Wednesday May 5, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 11
The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven. His eyes watch; He examines everyone.
Psalm 11:4
Reflection: Comfort for God’s people comes from the assurance that God is on His Throne, that He never ceases rule over the heavens and the earth. As King David has recalled before, the LORD sees all that transpires throughout the universe and responds according to His perfect Righteousness. Because God is on His Throne, we as He people are charged with the responsibility to hear and obey Him. Even in trials and suffering we must remain trusting in His Sovereignty. People around us may invite us to forsake God’s power for the advice of others which conflicts against His Word. While God directs us to find refuge in Him, we might hear others tempt us to “escape into the mountains” out of fear for what is to come. But it is far better to be kept within the LORD’s direction than in what we perceive will bring us security.
Trust in the LORD’s Sovereignty. Though the world might make the task of obeying God difficult to do, do not stray from His side. To find refuge in Him is to rest in true safety. To obey Him is to follow the direction of the One Who has under control all that is unknown or uncontrollable to us. No one knows exactly how God governs in perfect Righteousness. Thankfully, we need not be concerned with how God governs. We just need to trust that He does. And indeed He does.
Prayer: LORD, You rule in splendor and majesty on Your heavenly Throne. While I may not understand just how You go about governing the universe in perfect righteousness, it is enough for me to know that You do. Thank You for ruling in perfect righteousness, LORD, and for being my refuge in times of trouble. I pray that as difficult situations arise in my life, You would guide my gaze back to the assurance of Your Sovereignty. Help me to be reminded that You truly are in control of all things, and that I need but trust in You. I pray all of these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Luke 10:21-42; Genesis 18; Psalm 11
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