Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 10:1-9

She said to the king, “The report I heard in my own country about your words and about your wisdom is true.”


1 Kings 10:6


Earthly wealth cannot compare with the richness of wisdom God provides to those who seek Him. Throughout King Solomon’s reign over Israel, God blesses him with wealth and prosperity. But more importantly and significantly, He blesses Solomon with his heart’s desire: the desire for wisdom to lead God’s people. News of Solomon’s great wealth and great wisdom spreads internationally and reaches the ears of the Queen of Sheba, or modern-day Yemen. She travels to Israel to see for herself if what she has heard about Solomon is true, and arrives in Israel to find that Solomon’s prosperity far exceeds what she has been told. But what she impressed with is not Solomon’s wealth as much as it is his wisdom.

God reveals His greatness through His wisdom. When the Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon, she is not surprised to hear about a wealthy king (since all kings are wealthy to some degree), but she is intrigued by a king whose fame is connected to God. The greatness of God to bless with not only wealth but wisdom makes not only Solomon’s name known, but also God’s Name known. God reveals true contentment through His wisdom as well. The Queen of Sheba observes that Solomon’s servants are happy, not because they serve a wealthy King, but because they serve a wise one. They are made content not by material gain, but by the hearing of God’s wisdom given through Solomon. Lastly, the presence of God is made known through His wisdom. The Queen of Sheba remarks that it must have been God who put Solomon on the throne to rule with justice and righteousness. She admits to God’s Hand in the life of Israel made evident in Solomon’s appointment as king. She also admits that God is working in the life of Solomon.

Wealth can be attained by various means (either by God’s blessing, or by dishonest gain), but God’s wisdom can only come from God. We should desire God’s wisdom as much as King Solomon. We should seek after it as diligently as the Queen of Sheba. The wisdom of God is a precious treasure more valuable than silver or gold.


Almighty God, You are omnipotent and wise beyond understanding. The knowledge of humans cannot compare to Your great wisdom. While I could not begin to understand all that You do, Lord, I thank You for revealing to me enough wisdom to know that You are great and gracious. Thank You for the assurance and peace that is found in knowing Who You are. As I seek You Lord, please help me to understand more about You. I pray to You in Jesus’ Holy Name, AMEN.


Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Mark 15:1-20; 1 Kings 10; Hosea 11:12-12:14