Monday July 13, 2020
Today’s Reading: Number 15:1-5
“Speak to the Israelites and tell them: When you enter the land I am giving you to settle in…”
Numbers 15:2
Meditation: Even when we fail God, He remains faithful to fulfill His promises. At this point in the relationship between the Israelites and God, the people have just rejected the opportunity God gave them to enter into the Promised Land. As a consequence of their doubt in Him, God sentences the people to wander in the desert until the entire unbelieving generation of the people has died and only the new generation is left to inherit the land that is waiting for them.
The Israelites are essentially sentenced to a long time-out to think about the choices against God that they had made. Even though God is wronged, He is the one Who initiates reconciling the relationship He has with His people. He looks to the future of what He still has in store for them and tells Moses that not ‘if,’ but ‘when’ they enter the Promised Land, they are to make particular sacrifices. There is a guarantee that the people will one day see God’s promise fulfilled to them. Because of His faithfulness, they will one day enter the land flowing with milk and honey. The people have done nothing to earn God’s faithfulness. God’s choice to be faithful is made outside of the failings of His people. He is the One Who chooses to redeem the damage His people have done in their relationship with Him.
This is the faithfulness of God. We are His not because of our greatness, but because He is great to love us in our failings. We are recipients of His blessings not because He owes us generous offerings, but because He is generous in nature. We show our faith in Him not out of our own strength in character, but by our trust in His character. Our God is ever-faithful. Trust in the faithfulness of God.
Prayer: LORD, I praise You for Your faithfulness. I praise You for Your constant care. Who am I to be loved by You? Thank You for always keeping Your promises, and for the great things You do out of Your goodness. Forgive me for ever doubting Your intention or Your ability to keep Your Word. Help me to trust in Your faithfulness and to love You in the way You’ve first loved me. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: 20:17-34; Numbers 15-16; Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:20
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