Thursday March 25, 2021
Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 3:1-9
Then he said to me, “Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.” So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.
Ezekiel 3:3
Reflection: The Word of God is good, sweet as honey and satisfying to the soul. It nourishes those who partake of it, who seek after its taste and fill themselves by it. How we receive the Word of God affects how we grow in faith in our God. When we feed on the Word – receive it, digest it, and grow by its nourishment – we develop in strength for the work God calls us to do. We do not have to be afraid of walking in boldness as His people, because we have been equipped with the strength to stand for Him, and to complete every good work. But if we detest the Word of God, if we turn ourselves away from it like the children of Israel, we become hardened and obstinate, unable to move within God’s Will, preferring to die than to be fed and well.
You are what you eat! God offers His Word, good and sweet, to all those who will receive it. Even the most stubborn of His children He tries to feed. He instructs Ezekiel to not only taste it, but to eat of it until He is full. Therefore, remain filled to the brim with God’s good nourishment given by His Holy Scriptures. Receive it fully. Chew on it, digest it, and allow it to become a part of who you are. For we cannot live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God.
Prayer: Thank You, Lord God, for Your Word which sustains and nourishes me. Thank You for revealing Yourself by it, for speaking through it, and for with it growing me in faith in You. Thank You for all that You provide through Your Word. It is indeed all that I need each day, more precious than daily bread. As I partake of Your Word, Lord, please continue to nourish me by it. Show me Your ways through it, and grow me in faith for Your glory. I pray all of these things in Jesus’ Name , AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Galatians 6; Ezekiel 2-3; Psalm 149
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