Monday August 3, 2020
Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-19
“The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own brothers. You must listen to him.”
Deuteronomy 18:15
Meditation: God’s Word is always true. All that He decrees is guaranteed to come to fruition. Through Moses, God tells about the coming of a great prophet who will act as a mediator between Himself and the people. The prophet will be an Israelite who speaks the words of God. He will convey to the people every word that God relays to Him, and these words will be very important for those who hear to heed. Centuries later, the message that Moses shares with Israel is revealed through Jesus, proving that God’s words come true.
Jesus is born as a descendant of God’s people, and is faithful to speak the words of God throughout His earthly ministry. The words that He speaks to others about His own death and resurrection come to fruition, and His knowledge of God and of people’s thoughts, words, and deeds are accurate. He continues to act as our mediator to God the Father. Through Him we are able to stand righteous in God’s Presence.
This prophecy fulfilled in Jesus reminds us that God’s Word is Truth. God will never declare a lie. We can trust what He declares because He is faithful to bring about what He says He will do. If His Word can be trusted, we must also be careful to heed what His Word says. During their lifetime, God’s people wait for the fulfillment of God’s promise of a great prophet and mediator. We have proof that, through Jesus, this promise has been fulfilled. We have the benefit of hindsight and know how Jesus fulfills God’s Word. How much more proof do we have, then, that we can trust in what God declares? How much more, then, should we heed what He says?
Prayer: Almighty God, I thank You that Your Word can always be trusted. I can rest assured that Your Truth is faultless and pure. Thank You for Your patience and compassion in helping me to see and understand Your Truth. Guide me in living in the confidence that I can trust in Your Word completely. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Acts 3; Deuteronomy 17-18; Job 12
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