Today’s Reading: Philippians 1:12-19
…for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.
Philippians 1:19
In the midst of our imperfections and failures, God’s ongoing work remains unstoppable. His Sovereignty ensures that all things unfold according to His desire. While the Apostle Paul writes to the Church in Philippi from prison, he has been limited to chains. But what men and women do in order to hinder the Will of God, God uses these confines to expand throughout the world the knowledge of His Son Jesus. While Paul is kept in prison, he is through his writings used to teach and encourage established Churches across the known world. Paul’s letters will reach across the span of time as well. Because God is Sovereign, Paul’s writings can be moved forward regardless of our own circumstances.
The Sovereignty of God more than makes up for the countless ways that humans may fall short. It is more powerful than selfish gain. It is not overshadowed by human error, but can be used by God to bring Glory to Himself. As God’s servants, we, therefore, can rest assured that we don’t have to be perfect in order to serve God. We do not have to fear failure or ineffectiveness. We do not have to concern ourselves with how our life situation might limit how we can be used for God’s glory. For Jesus takes the very best of what we do for Him along with our failures and weaves it with that of others to further His Gospel Message. Christ advances His own Gospel through our imperfect but faithful work which glorifies Him.
Lord, I praise You for the Gospel, and for the ways in which You have blessed me Your servant by its Truth. For if I were not saved by Your Grace, I would be lost. If it were not for Your Sovereignty, I would be outside of Your perfect Will. Thank You for working together all things for my good and for Your Glory. I pray that You would grant me boldness in You which increases each day. I pray that You would cast out all fears which keep me from speaking of You for readily and living for You more fully, that Your Truth would continue to be shared with the world around me for Your sake. I love You Lord and pray all of these things in Jesus’ precious Name, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Philippians 1:12-30; Ezekiel 19; Isaiah 48
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