Thursday May 6, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 12
“Because of the oppression of the afflicted and the groaning of the poor, I will now rise up,” says the Lord. “I will put in a safe place the one who longs for it.”
Psalm 12:5
Reflection: The promise for everyone who searches after the true Refuge is that they will not be vulnerable to danger. God never fails to put His people in a place of safety. They are kept from harm by the Faithful One. When the psalmist cries out to the LORD, he remarks that there is no one around him who is faithful. All are deceitful. And so, he cries out to the LORD, Who is unlike all others. He alone is faithful and true. His Words are pure and precious, and His promises are always kept. The LORD may be the only faithful One, but His Faithfulness is all that we need. His Faithfulness overwhelms the boasting of the wicked. It guards against the deceitful and rises up as protection against those who are greedy for power. Even in our own failure to be faithful to the LORD, He never fails us. Even when there is no one faithful on earth to be found, God exhibits His Faithfulness.
Do you long for the LORD’s safety? Do you seek to be under the shadow of His wings? While there may be no one perfectly faithful in sight, their failings are washed away by God’s perfect Faithfulness. We can seek Him as our Help and know that He will answer our pleas.
Prayer: Lord God, You are Faithful. You never fail to keep Your promises. You are always a present Help in times of trouble. Thank You for being my Refuge and Strength. Thank You for guarding me against evil. I am sustained by Your Grace and kept by Your Faithfulness. Please help me to always remember Your Faithfulness, LORD, that I would continue to trust in You in all situations. Help me to be a better follower of You. AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Luke 11:1-28; Genesis 19; Psalm 12
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