Friday, October 15, 2021

Today’s Reading: Genesis 21:1-7

Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time God had told him.

Genesis 21:2

Reflection: God fulfills the promise that He made to Abraham, despite Abraham and Sarah’s unbelief. One night, God shows Abraham all of the stars in the sky and promises that his descendants will be just as numerous. But Abraham at the time has no children, and he questions how will provide the way to that promise. On a second occasion, God declares that Abraham will conceive a son with his wife Sarah. Sarah laughs in response. Yet, at 90 years old, she gives birth to her son Isaac.

Nothing is impossible for God. He is faithful to His promises. He works in all circumstances for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes, and for His glory. When we are waiting on the promises of God, it is important to consider two points:

  1. Has God actually promised the things that we are waiting for? Sometimes we mistakenly prescribe promises meant for others in Scripture onto ourselves.
  2. Do we believe in the promises that God is promising us? God doesn’t fulfill His promises to us according to our time, but according to His timing. Waiting in hope for the fulfillment of His promises requires confidence that God’s Word is true.

Even if you are unsure of what God has in store for you, be encouraged to live in faith in God’s plan for you. Certainty in Who God says He is helps us to be certain that we can trust in His Word to us. Just as Abraham and Sarah continued in a relationship with God which lead to a life of fullness and purpose, we can also live lives of faith for God’s glory.

Prayer: Loving God, I thank You for Your faithfulness. I thank You that You are working in my life. I pray that the assurance of Who You are strengthens and assures me to live each day in faithfulness to You. In the Name of Your Son Jesus’ I pray, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Luke 12:1-31; Genesis 21; Psalm 14