Today’s Reading: Psalm 93
The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty; The Lord is robed, enveloped in strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be shaken.
Psalm 93:1
The LORD reigns! What statement can give the believer greater joy than this? The assurance that the God of Heaven and earth reigns on His holy Throne provokes cause of celebration in every follower’s heart.
The LORD is robed in majesty and strength. Clothing of the finest fabric is not fit enough for Him. Therefore, He must dress Himself in the very might which is made known in all of Creation. No garment is splendid enough to announce His presence. Only the very power that sends forth the avalanche and tousles the ocean waves, only the might by which the cedars tower over the earth and the winds billow through the plains will do enough to signify the holy Presence of the LORD Most High. In all of His might and strength, our God sits upon His throne. His throne is not one made of wood or stone which crumbles or decays, as are those upon which the rulers of the earth sit. No, the LORD’s throne is an eternal throne, unlike any other. He is the only One Who is fit to sit upon it, and the only One Who ever will sit upon it.
All of Creation testifies to the LORD’s great works. Just as the floods lift up a sound of praise to Him, so does all the rest of heaven and on earth. From the faint flutter of butterflies through the forests to the booming sound of thunder, all are proofs of God’s wisdom, beauty, sovereignty, and power. What a relief to know that our God is in complete control! What peace rests upon us when we bear this in mind, regardless of the circumstance. What hope there is in Him, our King, Who remains at work for the sake of His people forever. What a joy it is to say that the LORD reigns.
LORD, You reign in glorious splendor. You govern all the universe from Your holy throne. You judge with perfect righteousness and unfailing wisdom. You see all that occurs and orchestrate together every component of time and space to bring about Your Will. I praise You LORD. I bow my heart before You and remember that You, the King of kings and Lord of lords, reign now, from ages past, and into eternity. Praise You, LORD. Fill my heart with Your joy at the knowledge of Your sovereignty. Calm my doubts and fears with the assurance of Your power. Let me live today with complete confidence and boldness that You, my God, the One True God, reign in all Your splendor. All glory be to You. I lift up this prayer to You in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, 1 John 2 John 1; Ezra 5-6; Psalm 93
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