Today’s Reading: Psalm 118:1-9
The Lord is for me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
Psalm 118:6
God’s Faithfulness quells all fear. What evil can humans inflict which the Lord cannot undo? What can anyone take from God’s people that the Lord cannot replenish? The psalmist is assured of his eternal triumph over all his enemies because God is for him.
What an assurance this is: that God is for us His people. For the Lord is a mighty God, capable of using His Power in whatever way He pleases. He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth by His Command. It is a wonder to think of His Goodness, of all that He does which is life-giving, loving, and compassionate. But even more wonderful is the thought that this great and good God is for His people; that He does as He wills, but that this Will is to benefit His own. We as God’s people live in confident and triumphant faith because our God is for us. This is to be distinguished from the idea that God might somehow serve us. God serves no one. And yet, The Almighty and Everlasting God gladly proves His faithful and enduring Love for us over and over again. And because He does so, we do not have to fear anything that should come against us.
For those who are for God, let this Truth be a reminder which frees you to live confidently and triumphantly in Him. For the Lord is indeed Good, and His Faithfulness endures forever. There is nothing to fear when we are for God.
Eternal King, it is a wonder that You are for me. It is an honor that You grant me a life of triumph by Your Works which prove Your Faithfulness. Thank You for loving me, Lord. Thank You for blessing me so richly with Joy, Peace, and the assurance of Your Salvation. Thank You especially for reminding me that these heavenly gifts have come from Your Hand. I pray that You continue compelling me to live for You as You have committed fully to me. Teach me and train me to be faithful to You, my God. I pray the things in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: 2 Thessalonians 2; Isaiah 27-28; Psalm 118
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