Today’s Reading: Micah 2:12-13

I will indeed gather all of you, Jacob; I will collect the remnant of Israel.


Micah 2:12a


Even now the Lord God is gathering His people into His fold. The prophet Micah forewarns Israel of a time where they experience God’s judgment upon them. This would be a result of Israel’s disobedience toward God. Micah tells of a time of  great corruption among the people, especially against the poor and marginalized. But God also grants a message of hope to the people. Soon after this time of judgment, God would fulfill His promise to collect the remnant of Israel and reunite with them.

Micah foretells when the remnant of Israel will be brought together “like sheep in a pen.” No longer will they be scattered. They will once again be one people. More importantly, they will also be a people whose King will be with them. Micah’s prophecy gives the people hope through the coming of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Jesus opens the Way of Salvation to all those who believe in Him. How does the knowledge of Salvation through Jesus grant hope?


Lord God, thank You for Your grace and mercy. I praise You that because of Your goodness, You grant eternal hope through Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for allowing me to be counted among one of Your flock. I am blessed because of Your nearness. You are all I need. I pray these things in Jesus’ Holy Name, AMEN.


Thru the Bible in a year (credit: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58; 2 Kings 11; Micah 2