Saturday August 21, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 109:20-31
For I am poor and needy; my heart is wounded within me.
Psalm 109:22
Reflection: It is only in seeing our own neediness that we are able to seek the LORD’s strength. It is only by the knowledge of our own emptiness that we are able to be filled. The poor in spirit are blessed, says Jesus, for they are the ones to whom belongs the kingdom of heaven. The mourning and the meek, those hungering and thirsting after righteousness are those who are blessed by God. Does this mean that the LORD blesses only these people? No, for by His goodness He showers blessings on the just and the unjust. But the hope and assurance that God promises is that His tender care accounts for all who are in need of Him. There is not one person in need that cannot be helped by God.
What a great and blessed joy that in our weakness the LORD’s strength sustains us. When we are weak and weary, when we are helpless, those times are when we are prompted to seek God’s rescue and restoration by His faithful love. What a great and blessed joy that we need not concern ourselves with how strong we are. As our enemies may be much stronger, they are limited in their might and power. Since the LORD is the One Who possesses and provides true strength, we have all we need in Him.
Sometimes encouragement can be found in assurance of who we are, what we have, and what we can do. But the ultimate motivation in all situations comes to us in the assurance of Whose we are, What our unlimited God provides, and What He is able to accomplish when we depend on Him.
Prayer: Sovereign LORD, You are wonderful. You are mighty and powerful. Though I am weak, You are strong to save. Thank You for all that You do for me. All the heavens and the earth belong to You, my God. Though I am needy, You need nothing. I have nothing to offer but a heart longing to be filled by Your Spirit and transformed by Your amazing grace. Please help me to ever see my great need for You. Show me how to depend on Your strength and not my own. I trust in You, LORD. All these things I ask in the Name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Revelation 19; Isaiah 5-6; Psalm 109:20-31
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