Thursday July 1, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 69
But as for me, Lord, my prayer to You is for a time of favor. In Your abundant, faithful love, God, answer me with Your sure salvation.
Psalm 69:13
Reflection: The LORD’s answer of Salvation meets every believer’s question of self-worth with the assurance of their value in God’s sight. There is relief in the guarantee of His rescue, even when the waters of trial have risen to our chin and there is footing has become lost in the murky depths below. There is hope in His arrival even in our helplessness, even when our circumstances are daunting. When there is no comfort to be found in those around us, we need only lift our eyes to our Heavenly Father to remind ourselves that He provides His eternal Rescue. The LORD’s answer of Salvation reminds every believer of God’s value to them. A gift this precious could only be provided by a God Who is worth every sacrifice that could be made on His behalf. The psalmist hopes in the LORD’s rescue, but also is quick to give himself over to the LORD’s cause. The psalmist cries out for God’s protection, but also endures persecution for His sake. There is nothing that is more valuable than the rescue that only God can give, and the psalmist will willingly suffer much to wait for it.
How desperate are we for the salvation that God provides? How sure are we of the LORD’s goodness to provide it to us? Indeed, as the psalmist proclaims, you who seek God take heart! Through His Son, your God has brought His everlasting Victory and will preserve us to experience the rescue from sin and death that we’ve been longing for. God’s Salvation is promised to us who are diligent to seek after Him. He gives it freely to us.
Prayer: Loving God, I exalt You, for You have so freely given of Yourself in order to assure my Salvation for eternity. You have guaranteed my rescue by the precious Blood of Your Son. Thank You for this great grace and unmatched mercy. Thank You for Your love upon me. Please help me to remember the promise of Your Salvation each day, that my decisions would be made to give You glory. Help me to be faithful to You. You deserve this from me, LORD. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Romans 14; 1 Samuel 26; Psalm 69
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