Wednesday September 15, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 133
How good and pleasant it is when brothers can live together!
Psalm 133:1
Reflection: Christian fellowship is wonderful gift to behold. It is unlike any type of fellowship that can be found on earth, for it is a blessing that only God Himself can orchestrate. This fellowship is good, reflecting the desire of God to pour out His love upon a Family of people who revere Him as their King. Fellowship is a rich and fragrant blessing, like that of anointing oil, marking every joyful soul who is in communion with Christ and His people. It is an indicator of belonging and an assurance of purpose. It is a good and perfect gift that has been given from above.
Christian fellowship is pleasant, to be enjoyed by God’s people as they worship, grow in faith, and serve the LORD together. Some good things which God gives are granted through hardship or trial in order to strengthen and fortify one’s faith. These good things are challenging to endure. But God also grants blessings like Christian fellowship, which strengthens one’s faith in a different way. It is like the dew which rests on Mt. Hermon, settling gently upon leaves and branches outstretched for rain. Fellowship is life-giving and nourishing. It is a welcomed respite that refreshes a soul wearied from working in the world.
Christian fellowship is crucial for every believer. The LORD in His Wisdom created people not to dwell in solitude, but to live together in unity with other followers of Christ. Relationships centered around Christ are the deepest, most meaningful, and most life-giving relationships that can be experienced because they are given by God and blessed by Him. Fellowship is much more than simply being together. It includes living a daily walk of faith as a Family of believers. Living with the LORD involves living with His people. How good and pleasant it is to share in this fellowship!
Prayer: Loving God, thank You for being such a loving Father. Thank You for bringing me into Your Family and granting wonderful fellowship with Your people. Thank You for love, joy, faith, and purposeful service to You from within the Body. Thank You for not leaving me alone, but for being with me and providing an eternal Family to be loved by and to love. Please help me to continue loving others in the Body as You command. Help me to encourage my brothers and sisters, and train me to support and encourage them well. Thank You, Lord for Your Family. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, James 5; Jeremiah 29-30; Psalm 133
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