Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Today’s Reading: Luke 20:19-26
“Well then,” He told them, “give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”
Luke 20:25
Reflection: As the coin bears the image of its owner, we bear the image of the God to Whom we belong. Just as the denarius that Jesus examined was made to be used in the Roman Empire, we have been created to be used for Kingdom work. Like the coin, we carry value which has been determined solely by our Creator. Those both inside and outside of the Kingdom can distinguish where we are from because we resemble God’s image and likeness. While we are rendered purposeless outside of the Kingdom, within the Kingdom we uphold our true value.
Our Creator has fashioned us with purpose in mind. When we give ourselves to Him, we are properly utilized within Heaven’s economy. We do not belong to the world or to others. We do not even belong to ourselves. We belong to God.
Those who pursue righteous living can always find comfort in the God Who sees. The Savior Jesus calls us to give to Him what is rightfully due. Giving our lives to Him is returning to Him what was already His from the beginning. How are we utilizing the lives we have been given? Are we keeping for ourselves what we do not own or are we surrendering ourselves to the Great Redeemer?
Prayer: Lord, how humbling it is to bear Your image and likeness. Thank You for creating me with purpose and for including me in Your great plan. Help me to give my whole life to You for Your glory and Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Luke 20:1-26; Genesis 35:1-36:43; Psalm 27
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