Today’s Reading: Psalm 61
I will live in Your tent forever and take refuge under the shelter of Your wings. Selah
Psalm 61:4
How glorious would it be to live with the LORD in His House forever? How wonderful would it be to know His Presence that fully? When we cry out to the LORD as would a child for its parent, we cry out because we feel that He is far. And indeed, in this world, we do not see Him face to Face. But our joy is in the assurance that He has already granted us a place to be with Him forever. While we turn to Him as our Help and Refuge now, we can look forward to receiving the fullness of His aid and protection within the walls of His Holy Kingdom.
Now, while God has indeed drawn near to us, we may feel sometimes as if we are calling out to Him from the ends of earth. We may feel far away from His loving care and provision. In our sin, we are not yet able to know Him fully. But even now, when we are wearied from the trials of this world, we can count on the leading of the LORD. Even an ounce of His goodness, a little of His strength, a touch of His lovingkindness is enough to sustain us as we near our heavenly destination. And as our God leads us through our celebrations and sufferings, He does not guide us in meaningless circles, but directs us closer to Him. Through His Son, He has paved for us the Way to everlasting life. So, in distress, cry out to God freely, knowing that He will not fail to hear your prayer. In your weakness, rely on His everlasting strength to bring you through. The LORD continues to lead, guide, and provide for all who will relentlessly follow after Him until they find themselves in the comfort of His dwelling place.
Almighty God, You are my Help and my Refuge, my Strength and Shield. While I do not yet know the fullness of Your Holy Presence, while my sin keeps me from entering into Your glory, I praise You that even now You provide for me, Your child. Thank You for Your great love which sustains me as I continually draw nearer to You. Thank You for Your patience with me as I follow after You. Please help me, LORD, to continue trusting in Your perfect righteousness and amazing grace, that I would be able to one day see You face to Face. I pray all this in the Name of Jesus my Savior, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Romans 7; 1 Samuel 16; Psalm 61
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