Today’s Reading: Psalm 27
I have asked one thing from the Lord; it is what I desire: to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the Lord and seeking [Him] in His temple.
Psalm 27:4
The most prized thing we could desire, the most precious thing we could seek is to remain in the presence of the LORD, and to dwell with Him throughout eternity. No amount of riches could compare with the richness of His glory. No other blessing could ever compare to the nearness of the great Blessor. This is why in seeking first the kingdom of God – the place in which God dwells – and His righteousness, we are seeking the most blessed thing of all: the LORD Himself. All else is added unto us if we seek Him first. And yet, all else pales in comparison to Him. All else, blessings great small are miniscule in the blessed glory of the presence of God. By the Presence of the LORD, we have all that we need.
The LORD’s Presence assures our light which combats the darkness. There is no place that can be overrun with chaos or destruction when it is filled with the LORD’s Presence. With Him, we are assured of safety in the midst of any situation. For He is a shelter in which we can hide. He conceals us from danger and has granted salvation by the mighty works of His hands. With Him, there is great joy. There is a chance to survey with relief and excitement all that He has worked together. All of these blessings come as a result of being near to the LORD. If we were to have our every wish granted but the LORD’s Presence, we would be poor and destitute. If we could acquire everything but the LORD, we would be left in want. Above all things, seek the Presence of the LORD! In Him alone is all that we could ever need.
LORD, I long to be near to you always, to know You fully, to see You in Your Glory, to be assured of Your Presence with me. Thank You for the blessing of Your Presence, for drawing near to me even though I have gone astray from You. Thank You for being so faithful, LORD, so merciful, so good to me. Please, LORD, transform my heart into a heart that longs for You and You alone. Steer my desires until they align with Yours completely. Mold me and shape me into a vessel that is pleasing to You. I pray all of these things in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Luke 20:1-26; Genesis 35:1-36:43; Psalm 27
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