Today’s Reading: 1 John 2:1-11
This is how we are sure that we have come to know Him: by keeping His commands.
1 John 2:3
The ones who truly know and love God are the ones who keep God’s commands. John writes that our willingness to obey God is not only an expectation of God’s people, but a sign of our love for Him. It shows how much we have allowed God to renew us by His Spirit, and how much God has worked on our heart. This is how we can gauge our own relationship with God. We can examine our own walk with Our Savior by examining our obedience to Him.
What if we cannot to keep God’s commands? The Good News is that God has already accounted for our sin and failures through the Work of Jesus. He knows we are imperfect and fallen. We can rest assured that there is no sin we cannot repent of and receive forgiveness from God. Still, it is as we live and grow closer to God that we grow in both our desire and ability to obey Him. That is why keeping His commands is not only the goal to which we aspire as Christians, but also the result of being transformed by His Love and strengthened by His Power. Much like the saying that we are known by the company we keep, the more we include our God in our everyday life, the more He transforms us to resemble Him in character.
Do you want to love God by keeping His commands? Great! God is pleased by this desire. Abiding with Him daily, seeking His direction and guidance in prayer, and listening for His leading in His Word will make you available to be transformed Him. By God’s Work in You, you will be capable of keeping His commands.
Lord, thank You for Loving me. Thank You for not only saving me from my sins, but for also continuing to work on me as I grow closer to You. You are so Good and Gracious, Lord. It is only by Your Power that I am made new. It is only by Your Love that I have been set free to do Your Will. Please help me Lord, to keep Your commands. I want to please You. I pray all of these things in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: 1 John 2; 2 Chronicles 35; Psalm 89:38-52
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