Wednesday September 1, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 119:33-64
Turn my eyes from looking at what is worthless; give me life in Your ways.
Psalm 119:37
Reflection: This prayer echoes the words of Jesus that implore His people to store up for themselves heavenly treasures which moth and rust cannot destroy. Even the most precious metals and valued materials do not last forever. Even the wealth of people are one day either expended entirely or left behind. All of these earthly things are worthless, for they have no everlasting value to them. They will all be left one day in total decay by the elements. Not only are the things of the world worthless in the span of eternity, but they can also be a detriment to our beholding the treasures of heaven in their fullness. They steal away gazes that are meant for the Throne, and sometimes even lure people away from the very Presence of God.
Beware of setting too high a value on earthly treasures, for they do not lead to the true treasure of being with our LORD and Savior. Instead, seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Life eternal is found by the Giver of life, Who desires that we do not pass away with the things of the world, but that we live forever. By Him all things of lasting value are added to us, and so are our all our temporal needs.
Upon what or whom are your eyes fixed? Are they set upon what can only be seen and known now and might be gone tomorrow? Or are they focused on the One from Whom all blessings flow? One look at the Savior in all of His glory is worth more than any storehouse could hold. Seek first and above all things Jesus and His Kingdom and watch all the things of earth fade away in the light of Him, Who is glorious.
Prayer: Glorious King, You are marvelous. What a privilege it is to be counted as one of Your Kingdom, and what blessing it is to cared for by You. By Your Son, You have secured for my benefit eternal Salvation, and have covered me by His Righteousness. You have also been so good to fill me with good things each day. I am blessed because You are faithful and true. Thank You, LORD. I praise You, LORD. Please teach me to keep my eyes fixed on the hope of eternity with You, my King. Train me to walk diligently by Your Way. I want to glorify You, LORD, but can only do so by Your help. I am in desperate need of You. I pray these things in thanksgiving and joy, and do so in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, 1 Timothy 1; Isaiah 31-33; Psalm 119:33-64
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