Today’s Reading: Psalm 130
Israel, put your hope in the Lord. For there is faithful love with the Lord, and with Him is redemption in abundance.
Psalm 130:7
God is forgiving because He is loving. When the psalmist appeals to God from the depths of darkness, he pleads with Him to answer and forgive. The psalmist knows that he would be lost if his sins were not taken away. For if God decided to hold each person accountable for their sin, no one would be able to be justified in His sight. If God decided to rightly punish for every wrong done in thought, word, and deed, no one could argue against Him. No one would be able to give an excuse. This is why the psalmist cries out to God. There is no hope for forgiveness but by the Lord. The psalmist seeks God in desperation, but also in hope. While He sees his great need for God, he is also assured of the Hope that God will grant the forgiveness the psalmist seeks. He remembers that the Lord shows faithful Love to those who desire His Forgiveness. We, too, can place our hope in God’s Forgiveness because of His faithful Love.
Loving God, thank You for Your great Mercy. Thank You for forgiving me for the sins I have done against You. Thank You for taking my sins away by Your own blood, the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for continuing to show Your steadfast Faithfulness to me, Lord, even when I fail to reflect Your Truth and Love to You and others. Please forgive me for the wrong that I do against You. Wash me clean from my sin, that I would walk nearer to You than ever before. I pray this prayer in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: James 2; Jeremiah 23-24; Psalm 130
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