Tuesday August 10, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 103
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His faithful love toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Psalm 103:11-12
Reflection: The LORD’s love for His people is so great that it spans the distance between the heavens and the earth. This is how far He chose to go in order to draw near to us. His faithful love has spanned the expanse between fallen humanity and a holy God, in order that we would be close to Him. The space between north and south was traveled by the LORD Who left His throne in humility for us. He knew that the journey was far too great for us to bear, and so He bore it all Himself, that we would know Him. This is the love of God which knew no boundary great or small that could keep us apart.
The LORD’s love for His people is so great that it matches the extent of His rescue. This is how far He chose to remove our transgressions from us. He heard our suffering and knew the burden of sin that we bore. He took it all upon Himself that we would be free. No longer do we carry it, for it has all been taken far, far away. It is now but a memory that has no hold on us in His Presence. As our Savior hung on the Cross, baring scarred Hand to scarred Hand for all to see, He showed just how much of our sin He would take away, and just how far away He would send it from our midst: the distance that the east is from the west.
Who can measure this great love of God: its length, its height, its width, its depth? No one can begin to even fathom it, for it is too wonderful. Remember the LORD’s great love for You today. May it transform you to increasingly return to Him and show to all around you this love that He’s first shown us.
Prayer: Everlasting God, the reminder of Your great and perfect love humbles me. You have gone so far to rescue us by it. You have gone so far to express Your love, to reveal it to us, Your people. You have done so much for us, LORD. This love is something that I do not deserve to receive from You, for I have strayed from You more times than I can count. But You have given Your love to me so generously. Thank You for this great love, LORD. Please help me to show my love for You through the way I live. In some small way, please teach me to love You fully. Help me also, LORD, to be increasingly transformed by Your love. All these things I pray in the Name of Jesus my Savior, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, studytools.com): Revelation 8; Nehemiah 11; Psalm 103
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