Today’s Reading: Psalm 73
Whom do I have in heaven but You? And I desire nothing on earth but You.
Psalm 73:25
If we seek to live an earthly life to the fullest, we waste precious time that we can invest in eternity. In envying the arrogant, the prideful, the ones who reject God, the psalmist almost goes astray. But what is wrong with desiring all the luxury that many of the world possess? Should we who are blessed richly by God not expect to receive physical signs of His favor for all to see? While the LORD does indeed bless richly, He does not do so with the temporal in mind as we do. For what if God should make us to rest in complete satisfaction on earth? What if He removed every trial of suffering, every uncertainty, every fear? Perhaps in resting on our laurels we would lose what is by far our most precious possession: our relationship with God. If the LORD caused each believer’s daily life to be saturated in nothing but prosperity on earth, would we be able to fix our eyes on Heaven? If the LORD caused us to have complete worldly satisfaction, would we be moved to cling to Him?
Wandering from God begins with eyes that fix themselves on a directional trajectory away from the Good Shepherd’s fold. Much like when drifting out to sea, one doesn’t realize their distance from shore until they remember to look back upon land. The LORD in His infinite wisdom blesses richly, but will also gladly withhold anything from us that should keep us from receiving great eternal treasures in Heaven. He will not do anything which tempts us away from Him. Satan does that. And so we must receive all that God has for us in gladness and trust Him in all trials, remembering that He has far more in store for us than we can imagine here and now. His Presence, His nearness, His glory in all its splendor are what we can hope to behold one day in an everlasting celebration of praise and joy. So let us not be distracted now from what is to come, but fix our eyes on the LORD Who is good, Who has much in store for those who will follow Him into eternity.
Sovereign LORD, there is none in Heaven or earth worthy of praise and worship but You. You are seated on Your heavenly Throne, and yet nearer to us than our very breath. You are strong and mighty, and yet You are compassionate and kind. Your faithfulness is from everlasting to everlasting. There is no one like You, my God. I praise You for the hope and assurance of Your Salvation. I thank You for rescuing me from death and sin and preserving me and all other believers for eternity in Heaven with You. I wait in joy for the day I will finally be able to see You face to Face. Please teach and train me to constantly fix my eyes on You and Your Truth. Let me never wander, LORD. Help me to resist the distractions of the world, that I would stand firm in faith in You. I pray these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, John 10:1-21; 2 Chronicles 8; Psalm 73
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