Wednesday June 9, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 46
The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah
Psalm 46:7
Reflection: Even when the waters of the earth roar and foam, they cannot compare to the river of Life which is their source of power and strength. Even when the earth trembles and the mountains quake with turmoil, they cannot move the very place where the LORD Almighty dwells. The people of God are safe and secure within their city not because of its strength. Its perimeter is not preserved by walls of mortar and stone, but by the God Who lives within it among His people. Because the LORD fights for us, we need not take any matter into our own hands. We need only trust in His Sovereignty in every situation. Look how He fights, and examine Who is enemy truly is. He makes wars cease by shattering bow and spears, by burning chariots. He seeks to destroy what tools humans have created to harm each other. He calls for all fighting to cease in order that true peace would be ushered in through His Presence. He works against those who try to steal us away.
If God is our Refuge, then what can ensnare us as we dwell within the realm of His safety? If God is our Strength, then what can overpower us as we look to His might? Whenever you look around at the world and feel little, insignificant, powerless, voiceless in it, remember the LORD Your God Who is Your Refuge and Strength. He accounts for you, remembers you, fights for you, and goes before you, that you would never have to be afraid so long as you trust in Him.
Prayer: Everlasting God, You are my Refuge, my Strength, my Stronghold in Whom I delight. I rejoice that You have revealed Yourself to Your people, that You have proven over and over again Your great faithfulness and love. Thank You, LORD, for being so good to us. Thank You for all that You do for us. Please help me to trust in Your strength and refuge. Help me to walk in Your Way. I trust in You, LORD. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Acts 24:10-27; Judges 21; Psalm 46
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