Today’s Reading: Psalm 62

He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken.

Psalm 62:6


Since the LORD is my Rock, I will not be shaken by the things of the world. Though tempests roar and the storms of life surround me, I will remain anchored in faith under the weight of God’s mighty Salvation. He provides shelter from the strongest winds of temptation and the roughest rains of trial so that I am not moved to stray from His loving care. Moreover, since the LORD is my Rock, I will not be shaken from within while danger swirls around me. Even as I hear the wind howling and see the rain pour, I will not be afraid. The LORD, my Rock, is good to provide His refuge and strength. As I continue to depend on His faithfulness, He is gracious to shelter me from all harm.

There is nothing that can shake a person who has been stayed by the LORD. Not only are they secured by God, but they are strengthened by Him. Not only are they kept away from eternal harm, but they are carried into His eternal peace and rest. The sins of people cannot come against the LORD’s protection. Likewise, the weakness and frailty of humanity does not overwhelm Him. By His Son Jesus Christ, God has built a stronghold in which all can enter to depend on His care for eternity. All the faith we have must be invested in the truth upon which we stand and in the God by Whom we are kept safe. Only the LORD is strong enough to be our source of protection and strength. Since He is indeed our Rock, we do well to stand by all He is and all He provides.


O LORD my Rock and my Redeemer, I give You glory. I praise You, for I have known the joy of depending on You for safety and shelter. I have known the blessings of hope and assurance in You. I have experienced the strength that You so freely provide. Thank You for all that You have done for me. Thank You for protecting me from all harm around me. Thank You for working to transform me from within. I am so grateful for all You have generously given. Please continue to be my Rock, LORD. Please grow my trust in You and cause my faith to mature and blossom, that I would remain dependent on Your perfect Salvation always. I pray these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Romans 8; 1 Samuel 17:1-54; Psalm 62