Today’s Reading: Numbers 4:46-49
At the Lord’s command they were registered under the direction of Moses, each one according to his work and transportation duty, and his assignment was as the Lord commanded Moses.
Numbers 4:49
Reflection: Each one of God’s people is called to contribute to His work in a specific way. In the task of transporting the Tabernacle, God through Moses assigns to each registered man of the Levite tribe specific duties to complete. No one person is more important than the other. Each has their own responsibility to carry out, and each is dependent on the others to carry out the one overarching objective of transporting the Tabernacle.
God still chooses to work with His people in this way. He uses each one of us uniquely to accomplish His Kingdom work. More importantly, He desires for us to do His work as a united people, with each of us expressing and accomplishing different aspects of His ministry by His power and leading. There is an intricate plan that God has designed and is executing through His people as we work together for His glory. While God did not create us with uniformity in mind, He did create us with unity in mind. As we are united under the leading and purpose of Jesus Christ, our works then become part of God’s overarching work.
Trouble and discord can be caused when we assign our own tasks for ourselves, or exalt or diminish certain roles above others. In God’s community, everyone has a significant purpose and place. There is beauty in the way God works through His people. While He does not need us, He does want to use us. What a wonder it is that He uses us to contribute to His perfect work!
Prayer: LORD, thank You for allowing me to be a part of Your ministry and Your family. Thank You for giving me a place to belong and a purpose to carry out for Your Namesake. I pray that You help me to understand more clearly the calling You have upon my life, and that You would grant me the faith to complete every task You set before me for Your Glory. In Jesus’ Precious Name I pray, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Matthew 17; Numbers 3-4; Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16
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