Today’s Reading: John 20:19-23

In the evening of that first day of the week, the disciples were [gathered together] with the doors locked because of their fear of the Jews. Then Jesus came, stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!”


John 20:19


Jesus’ brings His Peace by His Presence. On the evening of His resurrection, Jesus finds His Disciples gathered together in fear behind doors which are shut and locked. Because their Messiah had been killed by religious leaders just days ago, they are now afraid for their own lives. It is here that Jesus miraculously stands in their midst and offers them His Peace. He shows them His wounded Hands and Side, proving to them His identity by the wounds He received during His Crucifixion. His very Presence among the disciples is all that is needed to dispel all of their fear and turn it into rejoicing.

The Presence of the Living Messiah grants us Peace, too. He is more than enough to dispel all our fears and doubts. The disciples do not change from fearful to joyful because the dangers surrounding them have gone away; instead, they change from fearful to joyful because Jesus has come. While their concerns have not vanished, the added Presence of their Lord has changed their perspective and outlook. As it was with the disciples, the reminder of Jesus with us brings us true Peace. Why? Because it implies that Jesus has overcome Death and is still alive today. The reminder of Jesus with us is the reminder that we have a God Who is not only alive and well, but present, near to us, and actively working in our lives. This is a blessed assurance that we can take with us into any circumstance of uncertainty.

What is a current situation in your life into which you can invite Jesus? How would the Peace of Jesus Christ help you in this circumstance?


Lord Jesus, I give You praise because You are the Prince of Peace. The knowledge of Your Presence is more than enough to dispel all fear, and to overcome any situation. Glory be to You for the Power You displayed over sin and death on the Cross. Thank You for the Peace that You so generously give to me as I meditate on all that You have done for me. I pray all of these things in Your Holy Name, AMEN.


Thru the Bible in a year (credit: John 20:19-31; 2 Chronicles 32; Psalm 88