Today’s Reading: Psalm 71:1-9,18-24
Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens, you who have done great things. Who is like you, God?
Psalm 71:19
Even though our lives on this earth are but a short time in the span of eternity, God sustains us moment by moment. He is a generous giver of good things, the constant provider of all that we need. The psalmist acknowledges the greatness of God that he has witnessed throughout his life. He knows he has depended on God since he was a helpless baby growing inside his mother’s womb. God continuous to do marvelous deeds for the psalmist, so much so that the psalmist foresees God continuing to perform mighty acts in the lives of others in future generations. Because of all that God has done and will continue to do, the psalmist says that he will praise God more. He will tell of God’s righteous deeds and mighty acts. He will tell of God’s power to the generation after him.
God’s constant blessings upon us prompt us to return to Him constant praise. The psalmist never stops praising because God never stops blessing. The same is true in our lives as God’s children. God does not withhold either earthly or heavenly gifts from us. Instead, He lavishly bestows upon us everything we need to continue on in our work for His Glory. All who seek God’s provision are filled with good things. All who confess their need for Him are comforted by His Presence. All who put their trust in Him receive eternity with Him. How much praise and worship does a God like this deserve? How much gratitude would you give the person from whom you’ve received everything? Just as the psalmist continually declares, shouts, sings God’s praise, let us also use every blessed moment from God as an opportunity to thank Him. Let’s continually exalt God, who deserves our praise.
Lord God, You deserve all praise and glory. You are the Great Provider. You are my Rock and Refuge. There is no one like You. Thank You for Your continual outpour of blessings upon me. Thank You for Your constant and perfect love. Please show me how to live my life as an offering of thanksgiving to You for all You have done for me. I pray this prayer in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Romans 15:14-33; 1 Samuel 29-31; Psalm 71
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