Today’s Reading: Psalm 89:1-18
I will sing about the Lord’s faithful love forever; with my mouth I will proclaim Your faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 89:1
To praise the LORD is to proclaim what we know about Him to be true. For there is nothing true about God that is bad or uncomely. The LORD is unlike men and women in that He has nothing shameful that would taint His image in the eyes of people. The LORD in His full glory is beautiful in every way. What have we seen or grown to know about our God?
We can declare what we know about His sovereignty over creation: that His power controls the raging sea waters, both prompts and stills their mighty waves; that the heavens belong to Him, and the skies by day and night bring forth brilliant light upon the earth to bring Him glory; that all creatures, formations, and climates throughout the vast expanse of the universe have been created by God, and that all that can be seen from the north to the south were brought into existence by His Will.
What joy is known when we recall what we know about the LORD! How wonderful it is to remember His perfect righteousness and justice! He has made a covenant with King David and fulfilled it through His own Son. He has been good to send to us Jesus, the One by Whom the LORD has displayed the fullness of His faithful love and truth. For all these things and more, we can give Him the praise He deserves from us.
Dear Heavenly Father, I give You praise for all that You have done throughout the ages by Your mighty Hand. I give You praise to acknowledge Your majesty, splendor, and strength. I give You praise to exalt You far above the heavens and the earth. You alone are God. You alone are sovereign, LORD. You reign upon Your holy throne and have no equal. Please, LORD, help me to live desiring to give You praise always. Put in my mouth the words to share with others about You, that they would desire to praise You also. Grant me the boldness to share Your truth with those around me, LORD. I pray all of these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, John 21; 2 Chronicles 33; Psalm 89:1-18
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