Friday July 2, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 70
Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; let those who love Your salvation continually say, “God is great!”
Psalm 70:4
Reflection: There are two types of ways to respond to God. One is to seek Him, both in times of need and in times of plenty. The one who seeks God cries out to Him in distress and in joy, beckons the LORD near in order to receive His Rescue as well as in order to give Him due praise. These have a desire for God and know that ever hour is an hour in which they are in need of His unending grace and mercy. The second response to God is to flee from Him, to retreat at every opportunity there is to acknowledge His Holy Sovereignty over the universe. These are driven back at the mention of Him, recoil at the presentation of His works, and refuse to believe in His Truth. For these, nothing could be attributed to God, and there is no need to seek Him. They would rather live without the LORD.
God’s Rule is over all Creation, but His Reign is only in those human hearts that have willingly declared Him as King. Unlike the kingdoms of the world, the LORD refuses to make citizens of those who do not want to dwell with Him. While His eternal deliverance is available to all, it is enjoyed only by the ones who are glad in His nearness, the ones who seek His help, the ones who declare their desire for His Presence. How have we responded to the Truth of our need for God and His Salvation? May all united by faith in Him rejoice and declare together that He is great.
Prayer: LORD, King Eternal, You are great and to be greatly praised. You rule and reign over the universe in perfect righteousness and love. You oversee all of Your creation with unknowable wisdom and unending mercy. You are amazing, LORD. Thank You that in Your kingship over all the cosmos you still remember me. Thank You for providing Your Salvation from sin and death, through Your Son Jesus Christ. I give You glory, LORD. I rejoice in Your great deliverance. I pause now before You to exalt Your Holy Name. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Romans 15:1-13; 1 Samuel 27-28; Psalm 70
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