Monday April 26, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 2
Serve the Lord with reverential awe, and rejoice with trembling.
Psalm 2:11
Reflection: Jesus the Son of God has been appointed King over all the earth. God the Father has made the nations His inheritance and the ends of the earth His possession. The Father has consecrated the Son to do a work that no one else could do. And because He has saved through His finished work, He is preparing to one day collect all who have received His Salvation.
The declaration of the psalmist reminds us of God’s Sovereignty to bring about His Will throughout the Ages. In hindsight, we as believers see clearly how Jesus has fulfilled this holy appointment of submitting Himself to death and rising in glory. But we have yet to see Him face to face as the King of Kings and Lord of lords.
The words of the psalmist reveal but a dim reflection of what wondrous things would come through Jesus, things which we see and understand now that He has already brought us salvation. Still many have yet to hear and know what the psalmist knows: that God the Son is coming to bring about His perfect Righteousness and Justice upon the earth, and that all are caused to either revere Him or rebel against His holy Kingship. What will we do the the Man called Jesus? May we give Glory to Him enthroned in Heaven at the Right Hand of the Father, and escape the wrath that is coming to those who conspire against Him.
Prayer: Lord, I declare that You alone are the Son of God, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the One true God enthroned in heaven. You alone are Sovereign and Mighty. You alone make earth Your footstool. I praise You, Lord, for You deserve all thoughts, words, and deeds of worship that I can offer You. I pray that as I study Your Word, as I seek Your Will in prayer and petition, that I may see more clearly Your Truth through the lens of Your Gospel Message, that I may see Jesus as You have revealed Him throughout time. Help me to understand my purpose as it pertains to Your Story. I pray these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Luke 6:1-26; Genesis 3-5; Psalm 2
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